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Monday, 24 June 2013

Gandhara Art 

A cultural syncretism between the Classical Greek culture and Buddhism A cultural syncretism between the Classical Greek culture and Buddhism 

Thursday, 6 June 2013

Shilpa Shastra 5th century AD

It refers to a variety of instruction manuals for the sculptors, artists, craftsman.It established standards of religious iconography. The texts enumerate 64 different arts and crafts known as ' Hastya Kala' and extends to practical Arts, like Architecture, Sculpture, Jewellery making, Dance , music , Medicine and Poetry.

Wednesday, 5 June 2013

Natya Shastra continued...

Natya Shastra written by Bharata - lists eight Rasas ;
1) Sringara - associated with emotion of love,
2) Hasya - comic,
3) Karma - sorrow,
4) Raudra - anger,
5) Vira - utsaha , energy,
6) Bhayanak - fear,
7) Bibhatsa - disgust,
8) Adbhuta - emotion of vismaya, wonder,
9) Shanata ( tranquil ) introduced by Abhinava Gupta in 1000AD.

Monday, 3 June 2013

Natya Shastra ( 4th centuary AD )

It is an ancient treatise which propounds Rasa or the aesthetics experience. Natya shastra and the interconnectivity of different creative arts, including Painting, Sculptor, Dance and Music is widely accepted as valid in Indian aesthetics and Rasa theory.

Art during the Gupta Period...

At the cross roads were the Budhist Art at its summit, intersected with Hindu Art at its genesis, as reflected in the subsequent Hindu rockcut caves at Badami, Aihole, ellora, Elehpanta, Aurangabad and Mamallapuram.

Sunday, 30 June 2013

Art during the Ashoka Period

Monday, 24 June 2013

Gandhara Art 

A cultural syncretism between the Classical Greek culture and Buddhism A cultural syncretism between the Classical Greek culture and Buddhism 

Thursday, 6 June 2013

Shilpa Shastra 5th century AD

It refers to a variety of instruction manuals for the sculptors, artists, craftsman.It established standards of religious iconography. The texts enumerate 64 different arts and crafts known as ' Hastya Kala' and extends to practical Arts, like Architecture, Sculpture, Jewellery making, Dance , music , Medicine and Poetry.

Wednesday, 5 June 2013

Natya Shastra continued...

Natya Shastra written by Bharata - lists eight Rasas ;
1) Sringara - associated with emotion of love,
2) Hasya - comic,
3) Karma - sorrow,
4) Raudra - anger,
5) Vira - utsaha , energy,
6) Bhayanak - fear,
7) Bibhatsa - disgust,
8) Adbhuta - emotion of vismaya, wonder,
9) Shanata ( tranquil ) introduced by Abhinava Gupta in 1000AD.

Monday, 3 June 2013

Natya Shastra ( 4th centuary AD )

It is an ancient treatise which propounds Rasa or the aesthetics experience. Natya shastra and the interconnectivity of different creative arts, including Painting, Sculptor, Dance and Music is widely accepted as valid in Indian aesthetics and Rasa theory.

Art during the Gupta Period...

At the cross roads were the Budhist Art at its summit, intersected with Hindu Art at its genesis, as reflected in the subsequent Hindu rockcut caves at Badami, Aihole, ellora, Elehpanta, Aurangabad and Mamallapuram.